Architecture of our Century

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

Bayley JB, New York, Museum, View of west elevation, 1977, USA
Behnisch & Partner etc, Stuttgart, Educational, Entrance: close up, 1987, Germany
Behnisch G & Partner etc, Munich, Sports Facility, Detail of roof, 1968-1972, Russia
Behrens P, Berlin, Factory, view, 1909, Germany
Behrens P, Tilsit, Factory, view, , Germany
Berg M, Breslau, Auditorium, Interior view: detail of ceiling, 1911-1913, Poland
Berlage HP, The hague, Office, view, 1895, Netherlands
Botta M, Stabio, House, view, 1982, Switzerland
Brierley W, Lincolnshire, House, interior, 1908, Britain
Bu Zhrngwei, Beijing, Commercial, view, 1988, China
Bunning JB, London, Commercial, interior court, 1849, Britain
Burnham and Root, Chicago, Office, East elevation detail, 1891, USA
Burnham and Root, Chicago, Office, view, 1891, USA
Burnham DH and Co, Chicago, Office, view, 1896, USA
Cameron Chisolm & Nicol, Canberra, Public building, view, 1970, Australia
Charles Jencks and Terry Farrell Pship, London, House, axonometric, 1982-1985, Britain

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