Architecture of our Century

Records in this index are the first record on each display page. There are 9 records on each display page.

, , Le Corbusier, Print with Modular figure, France
, Apartment, , exterior, Australia
, Apartment, Garnier T, view, France
, Castle, Schinkel K F, view, Germany
, Church, Schinkel K F, Interior perspective view, Germany
, Church, Schinkel K F, section, Germany
, Church, Schinkel K F, view, Germany
, Commercial, , entrance gate, Australia
, Commercial, , view of bistro, Australia
, Educational, , entrance, Australia
, Educational, Gaudi A, architectural school project, Spain
, Educational, Schinkel K F, perspective view, Germany
, Factory, Perret A & G, view, France
, Guard House, Schinkel K F, perspective view, Germany
, House, , front view, Australia
, House, Le Corbusier, view, France

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