France, Seurat: George Pierre 1859 1891, 1884-5, An afternoon at La Grande Jatte: study for La Grande Jatte
France, Seurat: George Pierre 1859 1891, 1889, La Chabut
France, Signac: Paul 1863 1935, 1896 (circa), Antibes Harbour
France, Talbot: William Henry Fox 1800 1877, 1843, Street Scene: Paris
France, Toulouse-Lautrec: Henri de 1864 1901, 1891, Gaston Bonnefoy
France, Toulouse-Lautrec: Henri de 1864 1901, 1895, May Belfort
France, Tournachon: Felix (Nadar) 1820 1910, 1857, Painting refusing the smallest place in its Exhib. to Photograpy
France, Watteau: Jean-Antoine 1684 1721, , La Gamme d'Amour
Germany, , 8/14C, Aachen (Aix la Chapelle): cathedral: plan at first floor
Germany, Altdorfer: Albrecht, , Landscape with a family of Satyrs
Germany, anon, 1200 (circa), Head reliquary of St. John the Baptist
Germany, Baldung-Grien: Hans, , Adam and Eve; companion panels
Germany, Bingen: Hildegard of 1098 1179, 1142-52, Scivias (Know the Ways of Lord)
Germany, Cochlaeus: Johannes op.1529, 1529, Seven heads of Martin Luther
Germany, Cranach: Lucas the Elder 1472 1553, , Venus and Cupid
Germany, Durer: Albrecht, 1497-8, Mary with a monkey
Germany, Durer: Albrecht, 1525, Drawing a lute
Germany, Durer: Albrecht 1471 1528, 1498, Self Portrait
Germany, Durer: Albrecht 1471 1528, 1515, Rhinoceros
Germany, Friedrich: Caspar David 1774 1840, 1809-10, Monk by Sea
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