Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

cityscape, Arycanda, Turkey, baths, view with temple tombs behind: closeup, 12589
cityscape, Elaiussa-Sebaste, Turkey, view of site, to landward: detail, 11661
cityscape, Elaiussa-Sebaste, Turkey, wall, buried under sand dunes, 11566
cityscape, Kanytelis, Turkey, view of site, looking N: Turkish graveyard, 11518
cityscape, Kanytelis, Turkey, view of site, with church & central ravine, 11504
cityscape, Pienza, Italy, B. Rossellino, bishop's palace, 15700
cityscape, Pienza, Italy, B. Rossellino, view, 15706
cityscape, Side, Turkey, street colonnaded, entablature & bases, 11883
cityscape, Side, Turkey, street colonnaded, view, 11881
civic, Anamurium, Turkey, odeion, seating & stage wall, 11821
civic, Antalya, Turkey, male head from Perge, whoisit??: face, 12545
civic, Antalya, Turkey, standing female statue from Perge, Diana, 12507
civic, Antalya, Turkey, standing female statue from Perge, whoisit??, 12519
civic, Antalya, Turkey, standing female statue group from Perge, whoarethey??: legs, 12512
civic, Antalya, Turkey, standing male Emperor statue from Perge, whoisit??: head, 12522
civic, Antalya, Turkey, standing male Emperor statue from Perge, whoisit??: trunk, 12540

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