Images of Italy before 1925
CHOOSE the required search-tags from the lists below, and then
use the submit button at the bottom;
When the page(s) of images appear, CHECK the square
boxes of any images you wish to select, clicking on
the thumbnails to see the large versions;
at any time you may use SIEVE to deselect any images
you no longer want;
Return to the database MORE_DB at any time to make
a further selection;
SORT allows ordering of the images by any field
in the database (or fill in the boxes under the images
to force a special order);
FORMAT the images into pages, choosing the
across/down balance; return to make more selections,
and reformat at any time;
The STORE facility (cleaned out each week on Sundays)
allows selections
to be stored onsite as a collection of pointers;
once you have finished making your selections,
you may then download the selected pages to
your machine, where the hierarchy, page layout
and hotlinks back to the database on ArtServe
will all be preserved.
Please select at least one of the following properties
to be searched for.
(use CTRL to select multiple items). Then use the submit
button at the bottom of the document to query the database.
Or, click HERE
for the directory of saved light tables.